Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne Cecil, Marquis of, statesman, educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford; as Lord Cecil, represented Stamford in Parliament in 1853; was, as Lord Cranborne, Secretary for India in 1866 beneath Lord Derby; entered the House of Lords as Lord Salisbury in 1867, and distinguished himself as foremost in debate; turned Secretary for India under Disraeli in 1874, and Secretary for Foreign Affairs in 1881, through which latter yr he, on the dying of Beaconsfield, turned leader of the Conservative social gathering; after this he was 3 times raised to the Premiership, the last time on Lord Roseberys retirement in 1890, by coalition with the Liberal Unionists (q. Salmon, George, mathematician and divine, born in Dublin, and there in 1839 graduated with mathematical honours at Trinity College; grew to become a Fellow, entered the Church, and in 1866 was elected regius professor of Divinity, turning into provost of the school in 1888; has carried on with eminent success his dual research, mathematics and theology, and has printed some notable works in both sciences, e. Saintsbury, George, literary critic, born at Southampton; graduated at Merton College, Oxford; was engaged in scholastic work for a variety of years at Manchester, Guernsey, and Elgin; in 1876 settled in London, and made a fame for vigorous and scholarly criticism, devoting a lot of his time to French literature; elected to the Chair of English Literature in Edinburgh University, 1895; is the writer of a “Short History of French Literature,” a “Short History of English Literature,” apart from several volumes of essays, &c.; b.

Clear Wine Glass · Free Stock Photo Sale, George, Orientalist, born in Kent, and bred for the bar, contributed to the “Universal History” and the “General Dictionary,” however is best identified as the translator of the “Korân,” with a preliminary dissertation and notes; he left a physique of MSS. Saint-Victor, Paul de, an ornate French author, born in Paris; from 1851 was engaged in dramatic and different criticism, and established his fame as a stylist of unusual brilliance. Salette, La, a French village amid Alpine surroundings, 28 m. St. Paul (168), capital of Minnesota State, finely situated on the Mississippi, a bit below the mouth of the Minnesota River; in 1849 a village of 500 inhabitants; is now a stupendous and spacious city, outfitted with schools, libraries, authorities buildings, electric avenue-railways, &c.; is a centre for 10 railways, and carries on a big commerce in distributing groceries and dry goods all through the State. 48 sq. m.; its palaces and government buildings for number and grandeur are unsurpassed; Neva View is the best street in Europe; is the centre of Russian political, literary, scientific, and artistic life; has a college, numerous academies, cathedral, technical and training colleges, and libraries (the Imperial Public Library contains 1,200,000 vols.); connected with the Volga basin by a canal, and the centre of four railways, it is the commercial metropolis and chief port of Russia, and carries on half the foreign commerce; exports one-fifth of the corn of Russia, besides flax, linseed, leather-based, petroleum, &c.; imports coal, machinery, &c.; principal manufactures are cotton goods and different textiles, leather-based, sugar, porcelain goods, &c.

SE. of Rochefort; recognized in historic times as Mediolanum; has some splendid Roman remains, a cathedral, &c.; manufactures copper and iron items, leather-based, &c. SE. of Calais; has a tremendous previous Gothic cathedral, a ruined Benedictine abbey church, a Catholic school, arsenal, &c.; manufactures embrace mild textiles, tobacco pipes, &c. NE. of Boston; its overseas trade has fallen away, but a superb coasting commerce is completed in ice and coal; manufactures embrace cottons, jutes, footwear, &c. St. Nicholas, the patron saint of boys, who was fabled to carry presents to good children on Christmas eve; was bishop of Myra within the 4th century, and had taken a special interest within the younger. Saint Saëns, Charles Camille, a French musician, born in Paris; for 19 years organist of the Madeleine; composer of quite a lot of operas (e. St. Pierre, Henri Bernardin de, French novelist, born at Havre; an engineer by career, was a disciple of Rousseau both sentimentally and speculatively; his chief work, “Paul and Virginia” (q. Sallust, Roman historian, born at Amiternum, within the territory of the Sabines, and attained the quæstorship and the tribunate, although a plebeian; for a misdemeanour was expelled the Senate; joined Cæsar’s get together in the Civil War, and grew to become governor of Numidia; enriched himself by extortions, and returned to Rome a rich man, and gave himself to literature; wrote the “Catiline Conspiracy,” and the “War with Jugurtha,” among other works, in a terse and forcible fashion, and was the precursor of Livy and Tacitus; as a author he affects the moralist, although he lived in vice (86-35 B.C.).

Built-in a classic all-white type, the hotel has a sweeping lobby house that’s decked out to have fun holidays throughout the year. A toy that requires the skill and expertise of a two year old will be wasted on your one 12 months old. The two of you need to talk quietly and be reflective and honest. The two foremost lines of analysis contradict one another, the first being that there are important sex variations in management and the second being that gender does not affect leadership. Portugal, off which have been fought a number of naval battles, essentially the most memorable being the good victory on February 14, 1797, when Jervis and Nelson annihilated the Franco-Spanish fleet. W. of Nantes, the place large sums have been expended in improving its spacious docks to accommodate an increasing transport-trade; its exports, brandy, coal, wheat, &c., are mainly from Nantes and the interior. St. Petersburg (1,036), capital of Russia, an imposing city, occupying a dreary, remoted site at the top of the Gulf of Finland, on the banks and delta islands (100) of the Neva, based in 1702 by Peter the great; numerous bridges span the main stream and its numerous divisions; large stone quays hold back the waters, however a rise of 12 ft.


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